Wednesday, January 20, 2010


VERSES: Answers may NOT repeat.

a. The Mission of Joshua
b. God’s Assurance to Joshua
c. Reason of why God Chose David
d. David’s Strength
e. David receives God’s Grace
f. Parting Words of David to Solomon
g. God’s Judgment on Solomon
h. Gideon leads in the defeat of Midian
i. Samson succumbs to human weakness
j. Israel Desires a King
k. God Calls Samuel

___1. Deuteronomy 31:23
___2. 1 Samuel 16:7
___3. Joshua 1:3,5
___4. 1 Samuel 17:45
___5. Psalm 51:3-4
___6. Judges 7
___7. 1 Samuel 8
___8. 1 Kings 2:2-3
___9. Judges 16
___10.1 Kings 11:11-13

MATCHING TYPE: Answers may NOT repeat.

Nazarite Vow

__________1. A sign of one’s dedication to God by not cutting his own hair.
__________2. It is a sign that the person is God’s choice and was to rule over a certain place as God’s servant.
__________3. Holiest Place in the temple.
__________4. Symbolizes God’s deliverance from water in the Church today.
__________5. A land of “milk and honey”.
__________6. The high priest who trained Samuel to become a priest.
__________7. The woman whom David had an adulterous affair.
__________8. David’s best friend.
__________9. The number of Psalms in the Bible.
__________10. Saul’s Father.
__________11. The warrior whom the Israelites were afraid to fight.
__________12. David’s Father.
__________13. The anointed successor of Moses.
__________14. A mighty warrior who succumbed to lust.
__________15. The woman who later knew Samson’s weakness.
__________16. Saul’s anointed successor.

TRUE or FALSE: Write the word TRUE if the statements is true, and FALSE if it is not.
______1. Israel’s first problem was crossing the Red Sea.
______2. Saul came from an affluent family with a rich historical background.
______3. Gideon fought the Midianites using pots, torches and trumpets.
______4. Almost all of the psalms in the Bible are written by David.
______5. David proceeded with asking God for wealth and majesty.
______6. Samson was almost offered to the Pagan God Dagon as a sacrifice.
______7. The Israelites were disobedient to God during Joshua’s reign.
______8. Samuel forewarned the Israelites of the impending consequences of having a king.
______9. Saul came from the tribe of Judah, the lion.
______10. Saul, during his later reign, defeated the Ammonites in battle for Israel.
______11. Joshua used his might to destroy the temple walls.
______12. The Israelites had a general cycle of events in the Old Testament.
______13. God would be the last resort for everything going wrong in our lives.
______14. Israel did not refuse God as their king.
______15. A vicious cycle of sin is trying to enslave us into sinning again and again.


A. The Judges
B. Classifications of Psalms
C. Some of the Wisdom Books
D. King David’s sins
E. Solomon’s Downfall

1. _____ODD MAN: _____
a. Lust
b. Mood Swings
c. Adultery
d. Murder

2. _____ODD MAN: _____
a. Ruth
b. Ecclesiastes
c. Psalms
d. Wisdom of Solomon

3. _____ODD MAN: _____
a. neglect of his people
b. extravagance
c. many foreign wives
d. corruption

4. _____ODD MAN: _____
a. Joshua
b. Samuel
c. Samson
d. Gideon

5. _____ODD MAN: _____
a. Psalm of Thanksgiving
b. Psalm of Lamentation
c. Psalm of Petition
d. Psalm of Praise

-made by raf rayos

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