Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Identify who said the particular verse in the Old Testament.
a. Isaiah
b. Jeremiah
c. David
1. You come against me with sword and spear and scimitar, but I come against you in the name of the Lord of Hosts.
2. My grief is incurable; my heart within me is faint. Listen! The cry of the daughter of my people far and wide in the land!
3. For a child is born to us, a son is given us, upon his shoulder dominion rests.
4. Take courage and be a man. Keep the mandate of the Lord, your God, following his ways.
5. All day I am the object of their laughter; everyone mocks me.


______1. Israel’s first problem was crossing the Red Sea.
______2. Saul came from an affluent family with a rich historical background.
______3. Gideon fought the Midianites using pots, torches and trumpets.
______4. Almost all of the psalms in the Bible are written by David.
______5. David proceeded with asking God for wealth and majesty.
______6. Samson was almost offered to the Pagan God Dagon as a sacrifice.
______7. The Israelites were disobedient to God during Joshua’s reign.
______8. Samuel forewarned the Israelites of the impending consequences of having a king.
______9. Saul came from the tribe of Judah, the lion.
______10. Saul, during his later reign, defeated the Ammonites in battle for Israel.


1. Which from the following is not a sin of the Israelites during the time of Amos?
a. Loan Sharks
b. Cows of Bashan
c. Many wives
d. Hypocritical Religion

2. Who was the prophet from Tekoa Judah who used simple language in his prophecies?
a. Amos
b. Jeremiah
c. Haggai
d. Zephaniah

3. Solomon had many accomplishments. Whoch of the following is not an accomplishment of his?
a. Great Temple of Jerusalem
b. Jerusalem as a seat of power
c. Wisdom Books
d. Golden Age of Israel

4. Hosea had two children who God asked him to name specific names. Which of the following is one of the names and the correct meaning of his children?
a. Lo-Zebekianaia – not loved
b. Lo-Rouhama – not my people
c. Lo-Rouhama – not loved
d. Lo-Rebuchanezzar – not loved

5. He was a Judean aristocrat, who was advisor to three kings.
a. Jeremiah
b. Amos
c. Isaiah
d. Hosea

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